Distributed 3D Rendering

For 3D rendering, Aneka enables you to complete your jobs in a fraction of the usual time using existing hardware infrastructure without having to do any programming.

Manjrasoft Solutions in Distributed Rendering Aneka is a market oriented Cloud development and management platform with rapid application development and workload distribution capabilities for the Cloud.

Aneka is an integrated middleware package which allows you to seamlessly build and manage an interconnected network in addition to accelerating development, deployment and management of distributed applications on these networks. It is market oriented since it allows you to build, schedule, provision and monitor results using pricing, accounting, QoS/SLA services in private and/or public (leased) network environments.

Some of the key advantages of Aneka over other GRID or Cluster based workload distribution solutions include:

  • rapid deployment tools and framework,
  • ability to harness multiple virtual and/or physical machines for accelerating application result
  • provisioning based on QoS/SLA
  • support of multiple programming and application environments
  • simultaneous support of multiple run-time environments
  • built on-top of Microsoft .NET framework, with support for Linux environments through Mono
Rendering Flyer Engineering Flyer
3DRen Flyer
3DRen Flyer

ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)/ADRIN W researchers have used Aneka for processing Satellite Data Processing on Enterprise Clouds. For detail, please read their paper: High Performance Private Cloud for Satellite Data Processing - Engineering in Cloud.